Outreach 2023
The Haven Holiday Party

This September, START facilitated the relocation of a player piano donated by the Venice Institute of Performing Arts to The Haven. START decided to share in the Haven's excitement by hosting a holiday breakfast sing-along. Besides getting a goodie bag filled with breakfast food and a few other items, we introduced the game, Music Bingo, with the piano being played by George DeJong from VIPA. Everyone had a great time joining in the fun!

Pops Orchestra

START members were ushers for two Pops Orchestra concerts: November 12th - Surfin' USA and December 10th - A Bublé Holiday.

Loveland Center Annual BBQ Fundraiser

START volunteers helped Loveland Center prepare for their 15th Annual BBQ Fundraiser. On November 18th, members assembled over 50 centerpieces and then helped set up the Venice Community Center on December 5th.

VABI's Holiday Tree Lighting

Once again, START members decorated a tree in Blalock Park for VABI's Holiday Tree Lighting. We hope you will visit the park and our tree. It is hard to miss; it is the biggest and brightest, located at the south end near the manatee stature. Thanks again to all our members who worked so hard making it so special.

Turkey Dinner Distribution

START's s team of volunteers helped with the South County Food Pantry's annual holiday dinner distribution on November 17th. They distributed the dinners. which Included a full-sized frozen turkey and a bag with the side dishes, to the Food Pantry’s clients.

Monster Motor Madness

On October 29th, START members manned a table to hand out treats at the Monster Motor Madness event. The event raised money to benefit health, hunger and housing in our local community.

Haunted Trails

On October 20th and 21st, START volunteers helped in the Haunted Trails Event at Oscar Scherer State Park. Members enjoyed planning and manning our ' Wacky Witches and Creepy Clowns' display on Trick or Treat Trail.

Literacy Volunteers of South Sarasota County
Literacy Volunteers of South Sarasota County (LVSSC) received a donation from START. LVSSC changes the lives of adults with low literacy skills. Through one-to-one and small group instruction, offered FREE of charge, they enable adults to achieve their personal, family, and job-related goals

Venice Area Beautification Inc.

START made a donation to Venice Area Beautification Inc. (VABI). This nonprofit volunteer organization does a fantastic job of fulfilling its mission: To make Venice a beautiful place to live, work and play!

Challenger Baseball

On September 30th, START hosted another Venice Challenger Baseball game. We had 18 members who helped on both fields as either a baseball buddy or out fielder. Players enjoyed pizza and ice cream provided by START after the game!

Loveland Golf Tournament

Loveland Center held its 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on September 30th. Start helped staff the tournament with members working on the registration desk and handing out breakfast snacks.

Special Olympics

START members were volunteers for two Special Olympics competitions. On August 18th and 19th, they helped with the Standup Paddle Competition at Nathan Benderson Park and, on August 26th, they were timers for the Swimming Competition at Selby Aquatic Center

All Faiths Food Bank

In June, July and August, START volunteers helped distribute food at Taylor Ranch Elementary and Venice Middle School. Volunteers unloaded food from the trucks, set up tables and bins, put frozen meat into plastic bags, and sort food items such as vegetables, fruit, bread, etc. Once the distribution started, cars lined up with their trunks open. There were more than 100 cars picking up food during the 2-hour period at both locations in June.

Sachel's Last Resort

This was our latest drop off at Satchel’s Last Resort. The vehicle was completely full of donations from one neighborhood street that heard about a START member collecting pet supplies.

South County Food Pantry

Several START members signed up on the substitute list for South County Food Pantry in stocking their shelves over the summer. With SCFP regular volunteers away over the summer, START was able to fill in the gap whenever needed.

Women's Resource Center
On July 10th, START was able to help the Women's Resource Center in their request for a handyman to make a closet useable for a their new Venice Career Closet.

South County Food Pantry
On June 5th our volunteers helped fill ‘Bags for Kids’, to enrich food availability over the summer. Over 60 backpacks were filled!

Mellow Run Equestrian Rescue Center

START provided a donation to the Mellow Run Equestrian Rescue Center to cover the cost of the annual state required Cogins blood test for its horses. This nonprofit is run by Howie Hanson who has been involved with rescuing horses for seventeen years. He currently is caring for 7 horses.

Kenducky Derby Duck Race

On Saturday, May 6th, six START volunteers got up early and helped at the Kenducky Derby Duck Race, a fundraiser that benefits Family Promise of South Sarasota County. Our volunteers managed the prize table and helped with registration. In support of Family Promise, START donated a “Paddle of Ducks” in the race! Twenty-seven ducks, numbered 332—358 raced in our name; despite giving it their all, they didn't make it in the top 10! It was a great time watching the ducks race down the slides and around the lazy river!

State College of Florida Foundation

On Saturday, April 15th, fourteen START members volunteered to help at the ‘Evening Under the Stars’ event hosted by the State College of Florida Foundation. The volunteers who represented START greeted guests, helped at registration and check-in, or helped at the Silent Auction Booth. It was a beautiful evening to enjoy the music and fireworks.

The Early Learning Coalition
The Early Learning Coalition (ELC) hosted a kindergarten party with the Sarasota County school district on Friday, April 28th at the Suncoast Technical College in North Port. They asked START for assistance and four members volunteered helping with set-up, door greeting and serving food. The enthusiasm of the young children was contagious.

Challenger Baseball

On Saturday, April 1st, START hosted another Venice Challenger Baseball game. Big surprise for our volunteers! There were not enough players that day to have two teams, so START volunteers got to challenge the Venice Challenger Baseball players! If you were not a baseball buddy, you were part of the START team! Players enjoyed pizza and ice cream provided by START after the game!

Women's Resource Center

START continues to support the Women's Resource Center in their Career Closet and Unique Boutique Thrift Shop with donations of professional women’s clothing and accessories. A special thank you to those who made contributions for our delivery last month. Your time and efforts are sincerely appreciated.

Natalie Krstec, Site Manager of the Venice Women’s Resource Center, gratefully accepts another large donation from START.

Natalie Krstec, Site Manager of the Venice Women’s Resource Center, gratefully accepts another large donation from START.

All Faiths Food Bank
START members volunteered at All Faiths Food Bank on February 7th and 13th. Our volunteers helped sort canned goods and fill 'backpacks' for needed children to have over the weekend.

Challenger Baseball
A ‘Cocktail Party on the Diamond’ fundraiser was held on January 28 to raise funds to keep the Challenger Baseball program going strong. START was asked to provide a few volunteers willing to scan tickets at the gate as their guests arrived.

VACC Nonprofit Rally
On January 20th, START participated in the Venice Area Chamber of Commerce Non-Profit Rally. It was a great way to meet potential members and explain START's mission as well as learn about other nonprofits.

Special Olympics
START members volunteered at the Special Olympics Area 7 Basketball Competition held January 15th in Punta Gorda. Our volunteers helped at the scorer’s table and at the awards table.